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Overview of Assignment View

How to Assign Vendors, Venues, and Wedding Party to Text Sections in Timeline Genius

Updated over a week ago

In this article, we'll explore a recent upgrade in Timeline Genius that allows you to assign vendors, venues, and your wedding party to text sections, making it even easier to create tailored and individualized PDF timelines. This feature enhances your efficiency in managing assignments and provides a seamless experience for everyone involved in your events.

Assigning Vendors and Venues to Text Sections:

Previously, you could assign individuals to timeline items, but not specific vendors, venues, or members of the wedding party to text sections such as notes, venue guidelines, floor plans, and contact sections. With this upgrade, you can now assign vendors and venues to text sections with ease.

1. Navigate to the Timeline Edit View:

- Log in to your Timeline Genius account and open the timeline you're working on.

2. Assign Vendors and Venues:

- In the timeline edit view, expand the text section you want to assign to a vendor or venue.

- Click on the "Assign" button next to the text section.

3. Select Specific Vendors and Venues:

- A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to select individual vendors and venues.

- Choose the vendors or venues you want to assign to the text section.

- Save your selections.

Assigning Wedding Party Members to Text Sections:

Similarly, you can assign members of the wedding party to text sections, ensuring that they receive tailored PDF timelines with relevant information.

1. Navigate to the Timeline Edit View:

- Access the timeline you're working on.

2. Assign Wedding Party Members:

- Expand the text section you want to assign to a wedding party member.

- Click on the "Assign" button next to the text section.

3. Select Wedding Party Members:

- A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to select individual wedding party members.

- Choose the members you want to assign to the text section.

- Save your selections.

Viewing Assigned Text Sections:

Once you've made these assignments, you can easily view them in the "Assigned" view within Timeline Genius. This view will display all assigned timeline items, vendors, venues, and text sections, allowing you to manage assignments efficiently.


This upgrade in Timeline Genius empowers you to create tailored and individualized PDF timelines for your clients, vendors, venues, and wedding party members with ease. Whether you're assigning vendors and venues to text sections or designating wedding party members for specific sections, this feature enhances your event planning capabilities, making your workflow smoother and more efficient.

We hope this guide helps you utilize this powerful feature to its fullest extent and enhances your event planning experience with Timeline Genius.

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